Top 3 Ways to Get More Referrals

Marketing can be labor-intensive and expensive, but referral marketing should be the opposite. Referrals will drive down your client acquisition costs because they are ultimately generated through word of mouth, current and former clients, and other attorneys. While some people are natural networkers, others need to apply more strategy when it comes to marketing themselves.

Here are 3 tips for generating the opportunities to get more referrals and for maintaining long-term sources of potential clients.

Share Your Experience

Taking an active part in speaking engagements is a key legal marketing strategy for attracting referrals. When you share your knowledge and expertise, it will help you develop an identity as an expert on that topic. Identify a niche for yourself or your firm where you would want more clients–like truck accidents, medical malpractice, or animal attacks–and develop related content that other attorneys would find valuable. The next step is to determine who your ideal audience would be so when you share this information, it could result in them contacting you or your firm to take a case.

Speaking opportunities are not limited to within your practice areas or industry, so look for professional organizations, nonprofits, universities, or other groups that could help you build your brand and spread your message.

A secondary benefit of producing content for speaking engagements is that you could also use it for other marketing campaigns on your website or print media. Remember that the goal is to produce the most results with less effort and expense.

Reciprocity: Remember to Give and Not Just Take

You should not expect to receive more referrals unless you give referrals yourself. Developing strategic relationships with attorneys in other practice areas would be ideal, so start by referring potential clients to them so they see value in working with you or your firm.

If you start the relationship by you helping them, they should be more likely to reciprocate and send clients your way. As is the case with any strategic relationship, choose your network wisely and understand your objectives beforehand. This is a game of give and take, but you don’t want to use your time and effort with someone who isn’t willing to reciprocate.

Show Recognition and Appreciation

If you want to receive more referrals from the sources you’ve worked hard to develop, be sure to show recognition and appreciation quickly after getting the potential case. Reach out with a thank you letter or a small gift like a Starbucks gift card to show that you recognize the fact that they were confident enough in your capabilities to send a potential client your way. Keep in mind that when someone refers a person to you or your firm, they are essentially putting their reputation on the line on your behalf. Even if the referral doesn’t become a client, it is important that you let your source know that you’re grateful for the opportunity.

If you consistently focus on these three aspects of referral marketing and relationship management, you will see more referrals from other attorneys, friends and family, and outside sources.  Inbound leads can be the lifeblood of a firm, so don’t rely on digital marketing alone. Become the attorney people think of when they need to refer a case.

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