Keep Your Law Firm Relevant During COVID

Keeping Your Law Firm Relevant during COVID 

With the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, staying relevant and growing your law firm during this challenging time is likely in the front of your mind. Practicing law and even expanding during the pandemic is possible, provided you’re prepared and able to respond and adapt.

Challenges can turn into opportunities that may actually improve your firm’s situation. Think about what has worked for you in the past during difficult times and what new offerings you could potentially bring to the table.

Focus on acting promptly, putting your clients first, and being transparent and accessible. Expand your efforts to hone in on your clients and their needs, and let the challenges that come with the pandemic create innovative adaptations. In this article, we discuss several ways your law firm can remain relevant – and perhaps even grow – during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Maintain Good Communication With Clients

Giving your clients clear and consistent information during the pandemic is crucial. Your clients are under a lot of stress, not only from their case but also from the pandemic. Provide support for them and reassure them that your firm is committed to giving them the information and advice they need during this challenging time.

Some of your clients may not want to visit your office in person due to safety concerns, which makes staying in communication all the more important. Think about providing additional remote services for your clients, such as appointments via virtual meetings. Good and frequent communication will calm the fears they may have about their case as they wait for a resolution.

Staying connected with your existing clients and prospective clients is a must. If you don’t contact them regularly, those clients who are ready for their cases to move forward will likely seek help from another attorney who is keeping their book of business updated.

Keeping in contact with the clients you want to help can be as simple as calling them on the phone. There’s a good chance your clients and prospects are working from home during the pandemic, so they have never been easier to reach. You can even keep your clients and prospective clients informed by sharing a recorded video message on social media. This will show that you are open for business and ready to help them with their legal issues.

Improve Your Social Media Presence 

Social media use has increased because so many people are working from home. While this gives you an opportunity to connect with prospective clients, it’s important to pay attention to what your followers and existing clients are saying on social media. Use your social media channels to boost engagement, rather than simply focusing on acquiring new clients.

Most people access social media on their smartphones. Make sure you have a presence on every platform that your potential clients use, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Snapchat. Posting positive and encouraging messages during the pandemic can convey a lot about your character and build your brand. People want to work with companies and people that they know, like, and trust. Be visible.

Work on Your SEO-Driven Content

An effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is the best way for sites to get noticed without having to pay for advertising. SEO involves optimizing your website with the goal of ranking in the top search engine results. Google, Bing, and other search engines scan different sites to curate results that match what the user searched for.

In order to boost your site’s visibility in search results, identify keywords relevant to your services and use them. Because a prospective client likely will not use legalese in their search, make sure you identify words they would probably use when searching for your services. Use these SEO keywords in your online content, such as blog posts and social media posts, as well.

Leverage Your Videos and Make Your Own YouTube Channel

Video streaming accounted for more than 80% of all web traffic in 2019, and that was before the pandemic struck. The average users spend significantly more time on a site with video. Make sure you are getting the most out of your videos on your site and across your social media channels.

Transfer videos you have already created to YouTube and organize them. Insert popular keywords in the titles for SEO purposes. Record your own short informative videos and add them to your library. Explain things that clients would want to know, such as “What to do if you’ve been injured in a car accident.”

Make Sure Your Site is Mobile-Friendly

Many law firms don’t have sites that are properly optimized for smartphones. Most people will access your site on their phones. Whoever designed your website may not have done it with mobile device optimization as a top priority. Don’t miss this critical component; make sure your site is optimized for mobile use. Are there drop-down menus that are easy to navigate? Is the text easy to read? Is there a “contact” button?

Mobile optimization is critical. Many people won’t stay on a site for long if it doesn’t load instantly or if they can’t find what they are searching for. In order to get a user’s attention, communicate what you have to offer right away.

Your firm’s site should accomplish the following:

  • Inform visitors how you are working during the pandemic
  • Display the ways they can contact you (phone, chat, email, etc.)
  • Discuss consultation options (Do you perform consultations over the phone? Do you do it virtually? Is your office open by appointment?)

Continue to Plan for the Long Term

The slowdown of the economy and businesses won’t last forever. In your planning for the upcoming months and years, an even higher level of customer service should be your aim. Set goals that take into account the current pandemic, but also strategize how you’ll launch back into more normal action when the pandemic recedes so you can meet your goals. Consumer behavior has definitely changed during the pandemic, but legal representation will still be in high demand when the pandemic passes. Having a solid strategic plan that’s ready to implement when times improve will put your law firm ahead of the competition.

Reach Out for Support

Times of anxiety and fear often inspire people to offer support to those who need it. While it may seem like there’s nowhere for an attorney to get help, especially when clients are looking to you for support, keep in mind that there are other lawyers in the same boat. They are finding ways to operate efficiently during the pandemic. Reach out to ask for advice, exchange ideas, and brainstorm ways that will move the industry forward.

To learn about how Client Chat Live can help your firm stay relevant and grow, call (808) 495-0231 or visit our contact page.